If we don’t maintain our natural design, then pain is the result.
We can change that with an advanced corrective exercise system.
Let's get out of the mindset of reactive care and focus on preventative care
Whether you're in pain, sit a lot for work, play a sport with repetitive movements or just want to feel really good in your body, Symmetry is right for you.

If we don’t maintain our natural design, then pain is the result.
There are 4 main reasons we compensate:
See and feel the difference
The Results
Clients get better because they are given the tools to change bad habits into new ones. We call the exercises "scientific yoga" because they focus on the intrinsic (core) muscles, but in a very specific sequence based on your measurements.

How it works
The Technology
Our Postural Assessment Kit is used to quantitatively measure 20 landmarks assessing your posture.
Our AlignSmart software uses these measurements & creates a unique sequence of individual corrective exercises.
We use physics to align your structure and retrain your balance which results in pain relief.
As an active participant in your healing process, you will learn how to maintain your posture and stay pain free.

How it works
The Program ...
Phase 1: Correction: Persistent removal of bad habits formed in the body to expose the cause of system breakdown.
Phase 2: Strengthening: Postural restoration through strengthening exercises ensures balance throughout the body.
Phase 3: Transformation: Repeated daily practice ensures the brain has time to hold the changes in memory should daily practice stop.
Ready to feel better?
Initial Consult
20-Minute Consult
This Consult Includes:
Intake of Your Current Health
Answering Your Questions
Education on Symmetry
The benefits of Symmetry
How the Program Works
Determining If This Is For You
Initial Assessment
60 Minute Assessment
This Assessment Includes:
All Measurements
Education on Your Results
Prescribed Exercises
1 Week Access to the App for Daily Exercises
Support Via the App